We are grateful to the organisations shown below for their support for our current work. Without them we wouldn’t be able to continue to support our Clients through essential horticultural therapy sessions.
On behalf of our Clients, Green Health Thames Valley thanks them all:
Anton Jurgens Charitable trust have kindly provided a grant that will help to fund our service.
The Yapp Charitable Trust has granted us £6,000 over three years. This will help with our resilience and ensure that we can continue to serve our clients.
The National Lottery Community Fund has provided a generous grant to support our work. This is a huge help to our plans for the next twelve months.
The Earley Charity has provided funding for a member of staff to attend Recovery Star training and subsequent registration.
Thanks to Coca Cola for their Christmas grant.
The perfect present !
We are grateful to the Souter Charitable Trust for their help in funding our work over the next few months.
The Edward Gosling Foundation has kindly funded our recent work, for which we and our clients are grateful.
Thanks to the Shanly Foundation for their support for our work.
Thanks to Berkshire Community Foundation for their support. Their Surviving Winter grant has help us to provide our clients with a warm space during the cold winter days, and nutritious soups at lunch time. The soups were prepared by clients based on their knowledge of plants and nutrition.
We are delighted to have received funding from the National Lottery, which was awarded to us in April 2023. GHTV have used this money to fund a series of food nutrition workshops, as well as sessions to help our beneficiaries manage their mental health difficulties. Our clients have told us that they now have a much better understanding about impact of good nutrition on their physical and mental health and are already making changes to their lives.